Monday, July 12, 2010

Sensitive MFers

Be careful around those who constantly use terms like 'love' and 'hate'. These people either have no understanding of extreme terms like those. Or these people are the type who live on the fringes or extremes. They're either 'hot' or 'cold' lukewarm for them.

There are so many emotions that come in between love and hate. So for someone to believe because you disagree with them you are now a 'hater' is ridiculous!! People who talk like this are living in a "bi-polar style of life" (i.e. sensitive MFers). Hence, if you like something about them, they interpret it as love and if you dislike something about them they interpret it as hate. And the funny thing is, most of the time that people think this way, you don't even feel strongly enough about them to love or hate what they're doing, lol.

So if you see someone using these terms out of context, don't worry it's not you, it's them. These sensitive MFers want to be so important in everybody's lives that they completely misconstrue what people are saying to them...If you tell them, "Hey, I like what you're doing" they reply, "I'm feeling the love". If you tell them, "I didn't like what you just did" they reply, "Why you hatin'?"...Are you serious??? Can't I be free to simply like or dislike what you're doing/about? Do I have to choose love or hate? If I do have to choose, I will choose to call you a Bitch-azz for being so damn sensitive, lol.

- Bru

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Peacocks with Guns!!!

On Wednesday, I was coming home from Philly with my dad. We got to the 30th St. Station, to take Amtrak back to NYC. Once I got our tickets, I saw that there was a huge line forming where we needed to go. With the past two days being real energy-drainers, I was not in the mood to be at the end of a long line. So, I told my dad to follow my lead because we were going to skip about 95% of that line. He was apprehensive because of the cops that patrolling the area. I told him, "The worst the cops can do to us is tell us to go to the back of the line". Which is where we would be had we decided not to harm, no foul.
As we got into position to skip, I noticed an inordinate amount of law enforcement on that side of the station. There were five cops with bullet-proof vests on, four "security-types" (aka not real cops) at a "random search" table, three K-9 units with German Shepards, two S.W.A.T. team members (with automatic assault-rifles), and the ever-present "Partridge in a Pear Tree"...Or was it a pigeon just trying to look fancy. Anyway, they had 14 law enforcers hovering around one stairway at an Amtrak station...WTH?!?!? Does that sound right to anybody?

Then my father turns to me and says, "Now, I think it's better that we skip because if we go to that back of the line we may miss our train ". I looked at him, puzzled by his statement. He then says, "The people in the back of the line will probably miss this train because of all the 'searching' that will be going on". I told him that unlike most airports, Amtrak doesn't have a policy of telling their passengers to come a few hours before their scheduled departure; so they can't hold anybody up and make them miss their train, just to search them. At most, five people may get searched and the search would be minimally invasive. I figured that because my father likes cops, he couldn't see that they were just putting on a show. However, when I took a look at everybody else on line, all I saw was a bunch of people looking nervous. All I could do was shake my head. Then, as the line starts to move, one of the K-9 units runs his dog up and down the line, hoping that someone has an illegal substance on them. I wanted so badly to trip them as they came by me, you don't even know. I wish I had a megaphone so could've told them all:

"Don't be scared of these cops. The last thing they want to do is arrest someone without provocation. Their bosses would have their asses, if they did such a thing. They are nothing more than Peacocks with Guns. They are strutting around in all their regalia in order to justify their overblown budgets. If they don't do things such as this, when the budget has to be slashed, they'll be on the chopping block. So let them puff up their chests and 'look hard' but, there's no need to clench your ass cheeks. These cops are not here for you, they're here to save their jobs."

As expected, we skip the line and get to the train platform with no problem. It was a good thing too because that train was packed!! I would've been mad if I had to sit next to someone. As the train started to move, I was still thinking about all those damn cops who were getting paid to do nothing but look tough. I knew it had to do with the 4th of July being a few days away but then I thought, when did a major terrorist plot get foiled near a holiday? I'm not talking about some amateurish terrorist like the "Underwear Bomber" or someone on that level. I mean the 9/11 type of terrorist...would they be stupid enough to try something on one of our national holidays? September 11th wasn't a big day for Americans and neither was March 11th a big day for Spaniards but, those two days will now live in infamy in those countries. That actually makes the "peacocks" look more stupid. I get justifying your budget/jobs but the least they could do is show a real sign of force on random days. It's too easy to avoid the big holidays. Take that Amtrak station for example: If a group of guys wanted to do some damage to either the station or the trains, all they had to do was send in a lookout. That guy would've informed them that there were way too many cops to pull it off and they could've just drove away. If they come back next week with the same plan, most likely they can pull it off because those cops won't be there in such large numbers.

So, what's the point? The point is there really isn't any point to what they do. Just as the peacock flaunts his feathers to look pretty, most cops puff their chests out just to 'look' badass. Guns and drugs flow freely through our neighborhoods and no amount of fake-policing will change that. While these cops may give off the look that they are hunting big game, all they really want are a few rabbits to hold up in front of the press. Don't become a rabbit for them....Don't get into any physical fights with anyone. If you're going to get intoxicated, stay off the streets and behind the wheel. And by all means, don't buy or use any drugs this week. Those cops would love nothing more than to haul your ass in on some petty charges...DON'T MAKE THEIR DAY!!!

- Bru

Monday, June 14, 2010

BP & You

Last week, as I was walking down a particular street in a South Jersey town, I ran across what I thought was a discarded beach towel on the sidewalk. As I got closer, I realized that I was completely mistaken. That wasn't a beach was a dead pelican!! Now, it could have been a seagull but, since I had just ate dinner, I wasn't about to inspect the dead bird. Although, I did notice was that some of the bird's feathers were dirty. And that got me thinking about British Petroleum (BP). I know that as bad as the oil spill in The Gulf is, none of that oil has reached the shores of New Jersey, yet. However, watching the news and seeing birds (and other wildlife) wading through oil slicks and dying as a result had an immediate connection with what I just saw. What my mind failed to immediately connect to this dead bird was the demolition site that was less than fifty yards away from where this bird and I stood. I think that many Americans are guilty of the same way of thinking.

Now, I know that we, as Americans, have major issues with BP. Their lackadaisical approach in extracting the oil, the disaster that ensued, the consistent underestimating of the amount of spillage, their 'les affaires' approach to the people and wildlife of the area, and the subsequent PR campaign have enraged most (if not all) of this nation. Hell, even I wanted to implement (via social networks) a National "Hit a Brit" Day. In which any Englishman (this includes Aussies, Kiwis, white Jamaicans...hell, anyone with a remotely British accent) on American soil would be subject to a smack on the face or a punch on the nose, until BP got complete control over this oil spill. Luckily for them, cooler heads prevailed...but I was thinking it, LOL!!! With that said, BP isn't the first or the last corporation to impact the American way of's currently the most publicized.

Actually, the reason why companies (large and small) have and will continue to negatively impact our way of life is because of the American approach to economics. This country (unlike most) finds new ways to to buy products cheaper and cheaper while demanding some of the highest salaries for the work they do. This is and will always be a recipe for disaster. A couple of years ago, we were about to rip our collective hair out at the prospect of having to pay $4/gallon for gas. Unbeknownst to most Americans, many European countries have been paying what would be the equivalent of $4/gallon for years, especially when the value of the US dollar fell to record lows, recently. However, most countries make more use of other forms of transportation (i.e., bikes, mopeds, mass transportation, etc.) than we do. Plus, the SUV is a rarity in other countries in comparison to the US. That's why we had to be the first country to mass produce hybrid vehicles...The idea of super gas-guzzling vehicles with cheap gas prices was an unsustainable equation. So how many environmental disasters were created by companies around the world, so that we didn't have to pay $4/gallon? Not something most Americans want to think about...

And let's not forget America's favorite store...WALMART!!! How many times has this company (homegrown, Mom & Apple Pie) violated many labor laws by hiring illegal immigrants, busting up any unionization of its employees, and/or forcing their employees to work ridiculous hours by locking the employees in the stores overnight? Hey, what does that matter if we can save a few bucks on that new TV, right? Here's a link that can explain Walmart's practices in detail "Walmart - High Cost of Low Prices" Well, aren't these the same principles that BP adhered to that got them in the bind they (and we) find themselves in? Look, wrong is wrong, and BP is certainly to blame for this crisis but, how much can we rail against them when we've been guilty of the same practices for decades? There wasn't even much saber-rattling when Pres. Obama sided with the Republicans and allowed off-shore drilling. Sure, I heard some grumblings here and there but, certainly nothing noteworthy. So most of us were willing to tolerate the off-shore drilling...anything to keep costs down. Now that the entire Gulf Coast is under siege, people want to clear their throats and say something. That's like getting your bills paid by a drug dealer, but want to cry foul when your child is now hooked on drugs...WHAT??!??!?

There may be some of those reading this, with angry eyes, who will think of me as a BP apologist...that is SO far from the case. As I've stated numerous times throughout this blog, British Petroleum is the biggest culprit in the devastation of the Gulf Coast since Hurricane Katrina. And there have been tens (if not hundreds) of millions of people who wanted to spit in the face of BP. Me writing a piece to do the same thing wouldn't make a bit of a difference. If anyone was spat on more than a million times, I'm quite sure that at some point you would be numb to the situation. I don't want to stand in line waiting to be the next guy to spit, I'd rather spend my time trying to find a way for this not to happen again. And the only solution I can find is for the American People to change their spending habits. I am lucky in the fact that I don't live near a Walmart nor do I live in a city that is conducive to driving. Although I totally recognize that if I moved to a city where Walmarts were easily accessible and it was easier to drive than anything else, I would be struggling with these everyday issues like most Americans. However, many in the US don't see this as a problem at all...they love their cars and they love spending the least amount of money as possible for a large quantity of items. These same people will cry out that BP is the the cycle continues...

If we want to end this cycle of cutting corners at the cost of negatively impacting our own lives and environment, it is us who must make changes. We cannot wait for big corporations to make any significant changes to their business practices, before we do it ourselves. Prior to this catastrophe, BP had the option of using a system that would have avoided all this mess. To implement those safeguards would have cost BP billions (with a "B") of dollars. They chose against it and the rest will go down in infamy...sounds a lot like how many Americans might act with their own money, right? And to those who want to see the end of BP and companies of their ilk, be cautious of what you ask...many Americans' 401ks are tied into BP stock and other comparable companies. With hindsight being 20/20, we can all now say BP should have spent the billions to avoid this travesty. However, many shareholders (maybe even people you know) would have been upset if BP had spent that much money on something (that at the time) couldn't be proven as a necessity. See how mixed-up and crazy this system is? BP was doing exactly what its shareholders wanted them to do...people from all walks of life are what their shareholders are comprised of. So maybe if we, as a people, stopped taking economic shortcuts in our own lives; then we, as shareholders, would take these CEOs to task prior to any environmental nightmare occurred. And these corporations would then think twice before trying to pull a fast one on the American People. DOWN WITH BP but, also down with that old way of trying to save a buck too many people have been using; because at the end of the day the question must be asked...AT WHAT COST???

- Bru

Friday, February 26, 2010

"Killer" Whale Kills....Duh!!!!!

... And in related news, wild animals go wild...SHOCKING!!!!

By now, I'm sure that all of you have heard that a few days ago, a killer whale by the name of Tilikum, killed his trainer, Dawn Brancheau, soon after a midday show. Without provocation, this wild animal gained momentum by swimming to the far side of the tank, then swam back rapidly towards Ms. Brancheau, jumped in the air, grabbed her by the waist, pulled her into the water and whipped her around the tank. Sounds premeditated to me.

Am I surprised by any of this, certainly not. Actually, I'm surprised that this doesn't occur more often. What irks me about this situation is, there are many people calling for leniency for this killer whale. Even Dawn Brancheau's older sister, Diane Gross, is stating that this killer whale should be allowed to live. Ms. Gross believes that her sister would want it that way, saying that her sister "loves these animals like children".

Now, had this death seemed accidental in nature, I might be inclined to agree with Tilikum's apologists. However, considering the way this trainer was killed, and that this killer whale has killed two people before, I can't believe that there isn't a bigger outcry to put this wild animal down, once and for all. How many people must die due to Tilikum's aggressive behavior before the Fur-Nazis (aka PETA and their ilk) say enough is enough? It was well-known that due this orca's history of killing humans and his size, that no one was to go in the tank with him. And less than half of the trainers were even allowed to train with him. Now that he's killed for a third time, I guess only the Siegfried & Roy of aquatic animals can train this killer whale, right? ...SMH

If the Fur-Nazis had the same amount of compassion for their human counterparts as they do for animals great and small, I probably wouldn't be writing this. Unfortunately, not that long ago, an African-American boy was given a life sentence for accidentally killing a younger child while attempting a wrestling move he saw on TV. If this doesn't scream tragic accident, I don't know what does.

I don't recall any organization coming out in support of this child getting leniency (at least any that weren't African-American based). Maybe PETA can form a "human-wing" to their organization. They could call it People for the Ethical Treatment of Humans (PETH for short). Then maybe they could get people like me to join their organization or at least be empathetic to their cause. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that PETA goes extra hard for animals of most kinds. I just wish that they went this hard for people as well; especially those who are usually not represented well in our legal system. BTW, PETA, people are animals as well.

It's funny (in a sad way) how Tilikum (aka "Tilly") has been dealt with since his first kill. Instead of putting him back in the wild, or keep him from doing any more shows, or euthanizing him, they just moved him to a new city where (hopefully) those people won't be turned off by his previous behavior. Orlando was the second city he has been moved to. Now with his third kill, can anybody say, SAN DIEGO??? He's getting the Catholic Priest treatment for Pete's sake. Look at the similarities:

1) They're both recognized by their black/white colors.

2) They both perform in front of large paying audiences:

3) And if they do anything unlawful to either the parishioners/patrons or the altar boys/staff, they just get relocated and little else. Is this not crazy???!?!?

Just imagine for a sec, that OJ Simpson killed somebody (even by accident) , where there were hundreds of people who saw it. How would people react to that? There are large portions of the American populace that would be screaming for OJ's head to be cut off in some public square for all to see. Too bad OJ can't swim real fast or jump through large hoops for a crowd's entertainment...Oh, wait a minute, he did have ability to run real fast and jump over defenders while scoring touchdowns for a crowd's entertainment. Boy, they sure loved him back then. I guess Tilly better slow down all this killing when he gets too old to do any tricks for us. Maybe his days will be numbered by then. That is why a large part of the blame has to be put on SeaWorld, for taking in Tilly while fully aware of his previous killings. They are no better than Hollywood, the NFL, MLB, etc., who protect their stars as long as money can be made off of their talent.

Like I said before, I'm all for putting Tilly back out into the wild. And eventually, some Arctic Justice would probably be Tilly's demise. However, Bill Maher (a big-time Fur-Nazi) said on his show that he doesn't talk "animal" and can't tell if animals like being in a zoo/aquarium. It's quite possible that some animals may find life in the wild, too hard to deal with. If that's so, they should abide by some simple killing of any patrons, trainers or other animals. Not so hard, right? Because at the end of the day, whether it's OJ, a lone gunman, a drunk driver, or a wild animal that kills somebody, dead is dead, no matter how you slice it. And all those responsible should suffer the proper consequences. I'm not asking for too much, am I?

- Bru